Game of Thrones - Overview Part 2

Eddard Stark and his daughters arrive at the King's Landing. Ned encounters Jamie Lannister in the throne room. Jamie was unhappy because Ned judged him dishonorable for killing the Mad King. Ned is asked to attend the meeting of the king's small council. Ned meets all the council members Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish, the King's Master of coins and a friend of Ned's wife from childhood; Grand Maester Pycell, Lord Renly Baratheon; and Varys. During the meeting of the small council, Ned learns that there is a celebration, a tournament to welcome him. After the meeting, Ned talks to Grand Maester Pycell about what happened to Jon Arryn. Grand Maester tells him that he could have saved him but the illness was sudden. He mentions that Jon Arryn had borrowed a book about lineages of the seven kingdoms and tells Ned that his last words were "The Seed is Strong". 
Ned borrows the same book and comes across Arya, his daughter who has been practicing how to use a sword. Her sword is very unique, looks a lot like a Needle. Before leaving Winterfell Jon Snow gave Arya this sword and teaches her how to use it ("Stick 'em with the Pointy End"). Jon asks Arya her sword's name and she names it "Needle". Ned allows Arya to practice with the swordmaster Syrio Forel the former First Sword of Braavos.
Littlefinger meets Ned and advised him that to keep his investigation into Jon Arryns death lower in profile. Ned's investigation leads him to a smith and his apprentice Gendry. His work was impressive. Ned asks him about Jon Arryn. Gendry tells him that Jon would drop by and ask questions about him. Ned studies his face and realizes that he is one of  King Robert's bastard sons.
In Winterfell, Bran has a nightmare about a three-eyed raven. Tyrion was there and gives Bran his design of saddle so that he could ride a horse.
Littlefinger brings Ned to the last place Jon Arryn visited before falling ill. It was one of Littlefinger's brothels. There Ned meets another one of Roberts bastards. Leaving the brothel, a large group of Lannister guardsmen led by ser Jamie Lannister. Jamie has heard of Tyrion being captured by Ned's wife and demands an explanation. Jamie threatens to kill him, but ned says if he does Tyrion will die too. So Jamie's guards kill Ned's men instead of killing him. Jamie and Ned fight. During the fight, one of Lannister guardsmen stabs Ned through the leg with a spear. Jamie is furious and knocks out the guardsmen. Before leaving, Jamie tells Ned that he wants his brother back.
