A new year. A new month. A new week. A new day. A new YOU. 2021 is going to be the best for me. If you began this new year with this thought in your mind, then it will be great for you. Thinking positive stuff will have a positive impact on your life.

On new year's Eve, where people were partying, I was asking myself why I was never able to keep up with my new year's resolution. I thought about it a lot, and after a lot of thinking, the right answer came up in my mind, and I wrote it down, which was - "I had no purpose in my life. I was just writing these resolutions because someone on Instagram said so".

In 2020 I did have a lot of time to think and grow. In that duration, I found a purpose. My life found meaning. That is why I decided to give this new year's resolution a shot. I wrote down four things. One of them was this, write one post daily on this blog.

This year is going to be different.

This year I will follow the resolution I set.

This year is for me and for all of us who deserve it.

Happy New Year ❤️.
