• Time waits for no one.
  • Time affects your day-to-day life.
  • Time affects you.

If you are waiting for the right time to come, then you are screwed. You must keep in mind the three things listed above.

Don't ever wait for the right time to come. Time can leave you with regrets.

Kill those damn excuses:

  • I don't have time.
  • I am too tired.
  • Now is not the right time.
  • Its too hard

Never rely on time ever. If you keep thinking, I have two hours to finish the five-minute job. Boom!, your two hours have elapsed. And you didn't get the job done.

So, start doing things now, don't wait for 5 a.m. or the so-called right time. You know it, I know it, it will never come.

Remember to move forward, never backward.

Cherish the memories you have spent at that time. So, you can look back and smile, remembering it.

You can't treasure time, but you can treasure memories.


  1. Nice motivating post , totally agree procrastination is not a good thing . As a famous quote goes “When there is a hill to climb, don’t think that waiting will make it smaller.” It is best to start and keep going as time is not going to wait ! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I agree that there is never the "right" time to do something so you can't use that as an excuse to procrastinate. I've also read that we are the creators of time.

  3. YES YES YES! A quote I read many years ago stuck with me "instead of counting time, make time count". So true!

  4. LOVE this post and I could not agree with you more!! You are so right no time like the present and get on with loving life x

  5. You can say that again! i couldn't agree more with this post

  6. Time is often said to be precious... just like scarce resources and even money. Time passed can never come back. However, memories are truly yours!

  7. This is so on point and a great reminder for all. I agree with you that we shouldn't keep on waiting for the right time. Instead, we should learn to make time and create opportunities for ourselves.

  8. This is such an important post! Once I started thinking about time differently, my entire life changed. It was SUCH a great motivator, as I'm sure this post will be, too!


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