Have you ever had trouble opening doors?

Meaning, you push doors that are supposed to be pulled, pull doors that should be pushed.

If you continually get a door wrong, is it your fault?


It's the designer's fault.

These kinds of doors are called "Norman Doors," named after the design guru Don Norman.

A simple definition of Norman Doors would be, "Any door which is confusing or difficult to use."

According to don norman, "an ideal door would be the one where you walk up to it and walk through it. You're not aware that you opened the door or shut it."

You must be wondering what else can be to a door except for hanging "do not disturb" signs. Imagine a beautiful door, but you are confused about how to open it. To solve this problem, you can put a label on a door that says push or pull. But, doors usually don't have a label on them. Then you can use the vertical plate and supporting pillars to indicate what to do without messing with the aesthetics of the door.

Image from Tumblr


  1. OMG, I get a door wrong at work all of the time. It should be a pull open door and for some reason I always try to push it. Every once in awhile when I am in a hurry, I find myself walking into the immovable door, usually when someone is there to see the ridiculousness. I'm glad it has a name LOL

  2. This had a name too? This is the first time I am hearing of this and yes I too get a door wrong...

  3. Yeah, sometimes certain doors can be confusing to operate. The push pull thing lol

  4. Yes, I often push a door when it's meant to be pulled. I didn't know these were called "Norman Doors"!

  5. OMG I do this all the time. Push when I should pull, pull when I should push. So annoying!

  6. All the time. I never get it right. And truth to be told, I often mess up even with a sign because I don't pay attention

    1. It's not your fault for not noticing the signs. The doors are poorly designed. You don't put a sign on a chair that says "SIT."

  7. Ahhh, I always mix them up because in my mother language is the other way around from English! Maybe this helps!

  8. Haha what a concept! I feel like all doors should be two-way anyway.

  9. After reading this post, I feel normal. I thought I was the only one doing that.


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