After an exhausting day of work, I feel the need to reward myself or treat myself. Whenever possible throughout that day, I treat myself to some dark chocolate and one or two episodes of an anime. This treat makes my day!

Never punish yourself for not being productive. You may think it will adequately affect you because, for some people, punishment relieves frustration. But the truth is punishment creates trauma. 

No matter how busy you are, always find time to treat yourself to something you desire, it may be food, tv show, or reading a book. You will see the results of this little trick in your work. You will be more productive.

Photo by amirali mirhashemian on Unsplash


  1. Self-care is vital for recharging ourselves. Thanks for reminding us with a good example.

  2. Yes could not agree more we need to always find time to treat ourselves as it seems like we are taking care of everything else except ourselves. I do not believe in punishing ourselves as well. Dark chocolate sure is a great treat after a hard day's work!

  3. I'm all for dark chocolate! Having up to 70% cocoa is good, not too bitter for my taste.

  4. yes! an episode or two of anime is my pleasure. My husband and I discuss it after too. it is our small 'switching off' ritual. this a big cup of hot drink

  5. As a lover of dark chocolate I concurr! My 'non-productive' activity is playing games online. Currently we're playing path of exile, it's a great way to escape from the day. And honestly sometimes I'm more productive AFTER taking a break!

  6. I always treat myself, not with dark chocolate, but with a walk, a book or my favourite TV show!

  7. I live alone so when u say giving a treat to yourself, I can't agree more. Plus I absolutely love dark chocolate...

  8. Treat yourself, chocolate, I am in. I am a chocolate lover and will find any reason to treat myself with that.

  9. Of course! I can always treat find time to treat myself a little bit of chocolate. I think we all can indeed! :)


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